Work From Home

The new big picture need for time management

Do you think the current economic climate would affect participant mindsets towards time management training?

Pre pandemic the most common issues attendees wanted to address were important but granular ie. workflow, email management, planning, prioritisation etc.

All still valid issues to address today.

However, bigger issues has replaced the detailed objectives.

Why meetings need to be hacked

Remote working has put a spotlight on the significant problem we have with our meeting culture with so many people exhausted with days full of Zoom or Microsoft Teams meetings.

It’s not that remote working is causing the issue because if we go back to operating in a face to face environment like we were pre COVID-19, we’d still be overwhelmed by the number of ineffective meetings!!!

How to drive outcomes every day while working from home

A common challenge for people working from home is they can get themselves in a rut where they’re not making enough progress each day, or they’re overwhelmed by how much needs to be done.

The longer this is left unaddressed, the more of a habit it becomes causing them to be reactive and disorganised, which leads to increased levels of frustration and overwhelm.

Just having a good process doesn't make you effective

What’s been getting my interest is how someone becomes effective at working from home versus another person who doesn’t.

I’ve seen companies & even social media peppered with work from home processes that have failed in many instances to make the intended impact because they haven’t been accompanied by the necessary change management, training or support.

The most hilarious video conference call ever

From coaching people remotely via video conference over the years, I’ve occasionally seen some funny situations.

One that stands out was when I was coaching June (not her real name) who was a very professional, polite and quietly spoken lady. During the session we could hear June’s husband just being generally noisy doing whatever it was he was doing in the room next door.

5 ways to lead a team dispersed across remote locations

Many workplaces today have dispersed teams where strategies to attract and retain top talent includes having a flexible work environment where workers are able to work from home. And the majority of workers feel more effective working in this manner as a recent survey highlighted that 91% of remote workers reported they’re more productive working remotely (Source: What leaders need to know about remote workers from TINYpulse who specialise in employee engagement).