The most hilarious video conference call ever

From coaching people remotely via video conference over the years, I’ve occasionally seen some funny situations.

One that stands out was when I was coaching June (not her real name) who was a very professional, polite and quietly spoken lady. During the session we could hear June’s husband just being generally noisy doing whatever it was he was doing in the room next door.

I could see June’s frustration growing until it got to a point when June requested to grab a moment to talk to her husband. What transpired turned out to be the biggest serve of colourful language the loudest footy coach could ever give!!!

When June got back on the video conference, she took a deep breath and returned to her professional self. It was just one of those situations that I didn’t expect to happen from June of all people!!!

Doing the rounds on social media now is a hilarious viral video (link is in the comments) where a dozen colleagues are involved in a typical Zoom virtual meeting. This is the type of meeting that is happening thousands of times every day. One team member (who we learn is Jennifer) decides to take her laptop to the bathroom to do “her business.”

The only problem is Jennifer’s webcam is on….. The looks on the team’s faces say it all.

Obviously, there’s a level of professionalism that needs to be maintained when we’re working from home on a video conference. However, everyone’s got the same challenges, so the new norm is to embrace it the next time a young child makes a guest appearance on a video conference. It just adds to the overall experience.

Just try to avoid having your own Jennifer moment….

🙋 What’s your funniest video conference experience?