The Simple Truth About Working From Home

Working from home is a bit like travelling internationally for work. It sounds exciting, maybe even glamourous but once you do it you soon realise it’s not all it was cracked up to be.

Not convinced?

By removing commuting, we think we’ll work less hours but somehow seem to work more.

We think we’ll get more done with less interruptions but find ourselves distracted with different circumstances (chores, kids, general noise etc).

We look forward to some peace and quiet but become frustrated with the isolation.

We know what to do but seem to procrastinate more.

There’s so much more that can be added to this list. Its why many people struggle to achieve their targeted results when working from home.

What was your experience?

For many people it’s the end of Week 1 at working from home.

How did you find it?

Did you get as much done as you expected to?

What were your learnings?

What’s ahead?

More companies are moving to work from home next week.

What we can’t ignore are the commercial realities of the impact of COVID-19 are only starting…. People are losing their jobs in what will be a tough economic climate.

Food costs are increasing, bills still need to be paid….

Now is the time to knuckle down by demonstrating the value you provide in your job. Individuals need to keep on top of their workload, priorities & results.

This can be achieved by maximising your personal effectiveness while self managing your level of stress and overwhelm.

Work is what you do not where you do it. You need to become expert at working from home NOW!!!

Do you need help with working from home?

I’ve worked from home for 5 years. Trust me, I know how to do it well!!!

If you can’t afford to lose productivity individually or as a team, then my Get Ready To Work From Home program will have you:

✔️ See results within the first day

✔️ Minimise distractions and procrastination

✔️ Be laser focused delivering outcomes every day

✔️ Have a sense of achievement each day

✔️ Be visible and transparent with your team and manager

The program is delivered remotely via Zoom or Skype to anywhere in the world!!!

Call me on +61 417 424 730 or email me at to reserve your place to master working from home.