Impact of the REACTIVE leader

Proactive leaders who drive results & build cultures people want to be part of are worth their weight in gold.

Those who don’t are a drain on businesses.

Especially when the flow-on effect has their team in a constant state of being reactive to the most urgent demands.

Over time, repeated behavior like this wears thin on the team.

If left to fester, engaged employees become disengaged.

It’s why it’s critical for leaders' work methods to support them to be the leader they need to be.

The best leaders I’ve worked for have:

👉 Inspired me
👉 Supported me to be the best version of myself
👉 Created a calming environment due to their organised approach
👉 Been transparent with the goals, plans, actions & progress
👉 Solved problems instead of creating chaos

It’s hard to lead people effectively if you can barely manage yourself.

Successful leaders are great at self-leadership.

🙋 Who is a proactive leader you admire?