
Your schedule doesn’t replace the need to plan

“A plan is what, a schedule is when. It takes both a plan and a schedule to get things done” – Peter Turla

There’s a big difference between planning and scheduling. It’s not effective to do one without the other. A plan without a schedule isn’t specific enough. Whereas, a schedule without a plan is too detailed and short-term focused. Scheduling when you intend to take action doesn’t replace the need for planning. Instead, it increases it.

Executing departmental / organisational objectives

Haven’t we seen this play out numerous times before? It’s Monday morning, Bob’s not only rested and recharged after the weekend but also motivated from the company update last Friday so Bob’s pumped to make progress in executing the objectives / strategy outlined by the organisation.

An intended quick check of emails ends up taking 2 hours sorting through and responding to the various topics. Bob’s only a couple of hours off schedule but wait Bob’s still not really clear what needs to be done to implement the strategy so Bob defers it until some other time once he gets greater clarity.