Burning out was the best thing to happen to me – but it won't be for everyone

I’ve never really been the best or smartest at anything but usually found a way to be effective through a strong work ethic. As I was promoted to more senior roles, my way of coping to the increased targets and responsibilities would be to essentially work harder. Then in 2006 everything changed while I had a job in a significant leadership position - I burnt out.

The most stupid time management rule ever

We are all different, with different needs, preferences and pressures. Many productivity programs deliver a ‘one size fits all’ approach that works for some but not for all. I believe modern productivity needs a more tailored and flexible approach aligned to how the individual works best. The most stupid time management rule ever is to assume that one size fits all.

How to stop overpromising and underdelivering

Do you find it frustrating dealing with people or companies who overpromise and underdeliver? We either don’t have the time or simply can’t be bothered having to tolerate those who damage their credibility or trust. Look at the share market as an example. Case in point is November 2015 when electronics retailer Dick Smith didn’t meet previously set expectations. This resulted in the market reacting savagely and slashing the share price by 50%.

Improve clarity to improve results

There’s an old saying about not being able to see the woods for the trees. I reflect on this because I think it’s hard to have clarity when feeling a sense of overwhelm. This is especially true at work. It would be less than ideal if a minority of workers felt overwhelmed but it’s a real issue when two-thirds of the workforce are overwhelmed. (Source: Deloitte 2014 Human Capital Trends Study).

With productivity outcomes are more important than speed

I’m not trying to offend anyone but I want to share a trend emerging of how misinformed some in the workforce are becoming regarding the topic of productivity. You know the people who proudly state how productive they are because they work so fast. Now speed is an aspect of productivity but it’s only 1 element and nowhere near as important as outcomes.

How to create an effective Weekly Plan

It’s necessary for business owners or people employed in leadership and key roles to plan effectively. A simple way to achieve this is to complement the work you schedule each day with a weekly planning regime. To take the time to reflect and strategize and set the course for next week to ensure you’re working towards achieving your key targeted outcomes. If you’re not doing this then maybe you feel you’re too busy or don’t need to do it, but with all due respect, I think that’s just excuses for not having a weekly planning process.