The Pitfall To Be Wary Of With 1 Size Fits All

“There is no one-size-fits-all narrative; everyone's path winds in different ways.” - Sarah McBride

Why put up with stuff that’s ill fitting?

If you’ve ever worn someone else’s shoes, then you would have noticed how they don’t fit your feet as well as yours do.

While you can walk in them, they’re just not perfect. Wear them for an extended period and you’re likely to either develop sore feet or take on the gait of the owner of the shoes.

It’s like copying someone else’s time management system. It works to an extent but not as effectively as it could or should because it's geared to them.

That’s because what’s a strength or preference for them might be a weakness for you. Or the system is unlikely to leverage your strengths at all. Neither’s a good outcome.

And there is the limitation of 1 size fits all approaches; they’re ok but they’re not great.

If you want to maximise your output, then what you need is a productivity system that’s central to YOU. A system that’s tailored to leverage your unique strengths, weaknesses and preferences.

When your system feels natural, it’s better, easier to use, has a far greater chance of being sustainable and can scale as requirements change.

The challenge though is getting alignment to your strengths and either steering clear of your weaknesses or developing those that need it.

You’ll also need to consider the importance of subjectivity; particularly when we’re often blind to our weaknesses.

This is where coaching or mentoring helps. Reach out to me if you want to embed a productivity system that’s aligned to YOU.