Do this to ensure work doesn't interrupt your holiday

“It isn’t how much time you spend somewhere that makes it memorable: it’s how you spend the time.” - David Brenner
How frustrating is it being contacted by your work during a holiday?

A minority welcomes the contact; It strokes their ego as they tell their partner “they can’t do without me.” However, logic like this is simply “fool’s gold.”

Maybe the problem isn’t others but rather your inability to let go. It’s not uncommon for conscientious workers to think too deeply about work whilst they’re on holiday.

To lessen the likelihood of work interrupting your holiday:

  • Inform key stakeholders the dates of your holiday

  • Clearly articulate and communicate escalation and delegation procedures while you’ll be away (what determines an emergency you need to know about)

  • On your voicemail on your phones (office and work mobile) state who to contact while you are away

  • Setup your out of office email with who to contact while you are away

  • Pre- determine the key pieces of work you’ll action when you return (if it’s planned you won’t need to bother thinking about it while your away)

While on holiday you might find it ok to do some light work-related reading. Not emails but maybe a book you haven’t had time to read.

Chances are you’ll have online access almost anywhere. If you don’t have the discipline to not scan your work emails, then don’t open your laptop or even better, disable or remove your work email from your phone or tablet. I know this sounds drastic, but your partner will welcome it. Anyway, you can restore the email account when you return from your holiday.

My holiday starts today!!! See you in 2020!!!

Have a great Xmas and New Year.